Yulista Integrated Support for National Defense Testing

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The Air Force Global Strike Command’s recent Minuteman III test launch showcased how multiple Yulista groups worked together to deliver comprehensive support across all phases of this critical national defense mission. The Yulista Base Operations Support (BOS) team through its Tunista Valiant joint venture at Vandenberg SFB supported the 377TEG with pre-launch preparations and is now conducting the crucial 48-hour break-in operations to recover launch-critical assets that require neutralization of corrosive materials. Simultaneously, Yulista Technical Services Group (TSG) RETS team provided essential radar planning and operations support from the Kwajalein Atoll, delivering real-time tracking, flight performance monitoring, and mission success verification throughout the test.

Two specialists from Yulista, Jeff Wright and Julia Rozanski, deployed to the Reagan Test Site for 3-4 weeks of on-location technical support, ensuring expert coverage during all phases of preparation and execution. Meanwhile, Frank Jackson supported post-mission activity at ROC-H in Huntsville.

Photo Cred: Guy McCutcheon – www.guymccutcheon.com

This successful launch demonstrates the power of Yulista’s cross-group collaboration – connecting expertise from multiple teams to support launch testing. From initial site preparation through launch execution, flight monitoring, and post-launch analysis, our integrated approach maintains the readiness and reliability of this critical national security capability.

Read about the full test launch here – https://www.afgsc.af.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/4070139/minuteman-iii-test-launch-showcases-readiness-of-us-nuclear-forces-safe-effecti/

About Troy 7, Inc.

Troy 7, Inc., a Yulista owned company, offers customers best value engineering and analytical services focusing on telemetry, missile design and analysis, guidance and control, intel, and directed energy. With the experience of supporting more than 350 missile defense and space flight missions (for Missile Defense Agency, U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command, and NASA) Troy7 engineers have secured an expansive capability legacy characterized by depth of technical expertise and proficiency. Our team is dedicated to providing dynamic and innovative aerospace engineering and analytic services—along with leading-edge solutions, products, and tools—to our customers now AND in the future

About Tunista

Tunista, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Yulista Holding LLC, specializes in providing efficient and reliable logistics and base operations support. With a skilled workforce and a dedication to quality, Tunista ensures seamless and effective operations for government and commercial clients. To learn more, visit www.yulista.com, and follow Yulista on Linkedin or Facebook.

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