On April 12, 2021, Yulista celebrates the addition of the M6 Hangar, a brand new 34,000 sq. ft. aviation hangar and paint facility at the Huntsville Executive Airport in Meridianville, AL. The Yulista M6 Hangar increases the Yulista Aviation Center of Excellence’s overall capacity to nearly 200,000 sq. ft. to include a total of 110,000 sq. ft. of aircraft hangar space. The M6 Hangar also adds paint capability for both fixed and rotary-wing aircraft to include future lift and tilt-rotor aircraft.

“Yulista is on the path to deliver the best aviation support facilities in the southeast region right here in northern Alabama. Yulista customers deserve the best, and we have worked hard this past year to improve our facilities to better support our nation’s soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines. This new hangar is part of our long-term investment strategy that will help to improve our schedule, performance, and commitment to the best quality,” commented Brian Tachias, Executive Vice President of Operations, Yulista Holding, LLC.
Special thanks to the Huntsville Executive Airport Authority and Nola VanPeursem Architects for their continuing support and valued partnerships.
Yulista is a recognized leader in the modernization and service life extension of rotary and fixed-wing aircraft. Yulista capabilities include aircraft technology insertion, modification and maintenance, and aircraft training simulators and devices. We are certified as a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Certified Repair Station, meeting Combined Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 145 requirements for qualification of repair parts, authorized tools and equipment, calibration standards, and procedures, training requirements, and FAA maintenance records. Yulista’s Quality Management System is certified to Aviation Standards AS9110, AS9100, and ISO 9001. Yulista’s wide range of core competencies includes engineering and manufacturing, maintenance and modification, integrated logistics support, and training solutions.

M6’s High Expansion Foam Fire Suppression Test
M6 is a National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) 409 Group 1, Type 1 aircraft hangar that meets National Aerospace Standard 3306 requirements for fueled aircraft storage and maintenance without waivers.
M6 also houses a paint storage room and paint mixing room that are Class 1 Div 1, and Class 1 Div 2 explosion proof rooms and provides paint capability for aircraft as large as the V-22 . The key element in meeting these requirements is the High Expansion Foam fire suppression system. Located approximately 10 feet above the hangar floor, optical fire detectors continuously search for a fire signature. If a fire signature is detected, the control panel monitors it until it reaches approximately one square foot. The control panel then waits for a second optical fire detector to detect a fire signature. This process prevents inadvertent activation of the fire suppression system. When the second sensor confirms the fire, the control panel initiates a unique audible alarm and strobe beacon alerting occupants to evacuate the building, the large hangar doors and roll up doors automatically begin to close, the air conditioning system shuts down along with the large ventilation fans, the slip gate located at the lined pond closes, and an alarm signal is sent to our monitoring agency to alert the 911 system. 3 minutes after the alarm sounds, the control panel initiates the High Expansion Foam system, flooding the hangar floor with foam to smother the fire. Once the fire threat is over, the expanded foam drains through the floor to the lined pond.
During March 2021, Yulista ran a high-suppression fire foam suppression system test to demonstrate that the facility was ready for work. You can view these videos at the links below: