As an Alaska Native Corporation (ANC), we proudly honor our Alaskan culture and values. Calista Corporation is owned by over 38,000 Central Yup’ik and Athabascan Shareholders with ancestral ties to southwest Alaska. This is our Shareholder family and community. We’re their legacy. Through distributions, career opportunities, and overall economic growth, we support our descendants who live in the rural parts of Alaska. We’re called to contribute to our shareholder’s success and preservation. Learn more about our origin story.
A Resilient Alaska
Fifty years ago, on December 18, 1971, the Alaskan Native Claims Settlement Act [ANCSA] was signed into law. This sanctioned one of the largest land claims in U.S. history. Forty-four million acres of land and $962.5 million dollars were divided amongst 12 regional corporations and over 200 village corporations within Alaska. Our parent company, Calista Corporation, is one of those twelve.
A new era emerged for the indigenous people as they became shareholders of these regional corporations. Under the ANCSA, Alaskan Native Corporations [ANC], like Yulista, were formed and designed to serve Alaska Native people. In addition to their corporate responsibilities, the ANCs committed to cultural and community efforts to preserve the Alaskan way of life.
Our Native ancestors have remained RESILIENT through times of change. We are honored to be part of their story and contribute to their well-being and to their descendants’ futures.