Capability Highlight
Advanced Composite Repair & Manufacturing
Providing aviation and non-aviation Advanced Composite technical support services to a wide range of government and commercial customers.
best composite MANUFACTURING & repair techniques
Yulista provides aviation and non-aviation Advanced Composite technical support services to a wide range of military and DoD customers utilizing the best Composite repair techniques in the industry with over 10 Certifying Technical Employee Competence (CertTEK) licensed and Abaris trained and certified Composite technicians on staff.

Certificates of Registration
Best practices, such as ISO and AS quality standards, guide our management and engineering process improvement efforts and reinforce our commitment to providing the best solutions with the highest levels of service possible. Yulista and its subsidiaries are ISO 9001:2015, AS9100D, and AS9110C certified.

ACL Capabilities:
Fabricate and repair various Aircraft Components on multiple platforms to include H-60 Models, AH-64, CH-47, UH-72, UC-35, and V-22 Airframes.
Fabrication repairs utilizing: honeycomb, carbon fiber, fiberglass, lightning mesh, filler repairs and pre-impregnated repairs.
Repairs Composite main rotor blades and tail rotor blades for H-60 and AH-64 aircraft.
Fabricate new aircraft parts when damaged beyond repair.

Media Blast Booth
The Media Blast Booth reduces time to remove paint & primer from composite parts without damage. This equipment streamlines the process for preparing large composite parts prior to painting.

CNC Gerber Cutting Table
The CNC Gerber Cutting Table allows us to reduce cutting time for pre-impregnated materials and eliminates waste.

Composite Autoclave
The Composite Autoclave applies heat & pressure enabling the manufactured/repaired part to cure evenly throughout the process and can fit parts up to 3 ½ ft wide x 7 ½ ft long.
Chemical Coating Alodine LINE
With the addition of a state-of-the-art chemical conversion line, we now offer both type 1 class 1A & 3 and type II class 1A & 3 chem film, operating under Mil-DTL-5541 standard.
Our line consists of an 11-tank system that will feature cleaner, double cascade rinse, nitric acid bath, double cascade rinse, type II dip and final double cascade rinse.
Inside the stand-alone facility, we will support a new lab for conducting titrations on all tanks and manage PH levels of systems. Yulista ensures conformance to quality standards and MIL-DTL-5541 specifications using our salt spray test chamber to evaluate corrosion resistance properties on products treated within our facility.