Josh Herren, CEO/President of Yulista speaks on how we are united together in the time of COVID-19

Team Yulista and friends:

I would venture to guess that right now 2020 is a year we won’t forget…and it’s March. I wanted to reach out to our customers and work family and let you know that you are in our thoughts as we navigate this unique time in our history. This is certainly not the first challenge we’ve faced as a nation, in fact, as a human race, nor will it be the last. But I think that’s the point. We have faced wars, disease, famine, and more – and we prevail. And we have seen and discovered that often our greatest moments in human history came from even those darkest hours. It’s in adversity that we are reminded of the true power of the human spirit and hope.

I encourage you today to find the good, the hope, and the positives that can come from this. I work closely with the leadership team at Yulista and just in the last couple days, I noticed that we are closer and more united than ever. The world feels smaller and more connected to humanity than we’ve seen in a long time. I looked to the streets of the neighborhood today and I saw more families walking and talking together than I’ve ever seen. The news is quick to point to the worst case, the worst pictures, and yes, this is a very serious issue – however, I’m hoping we can choose to find as many positives as we can out of this. When this is over, we’ll be stronger and more united.

The impact of COVID-19 is of great concern to us for our customers, partners, Team Yulista, and our families. In response to our concern and external guidance, like many others, we have stopped non-essential travel and where appropriate, implemented a work-from-home policy to our employees that can do so to mitigate the spread of the virus. For the many of you who are on the front lines we offer our appreciation and gratitude for keeping things running and ensuring the safety and mission readiness of the men and women in uniform who need support and solutions from companies like ours.

Guidance may adjust and change for us all as we navigate this situation and get more direction. Our intent thus far and will continue to be is to error on the side of caution and adjust from there. Ultimately, our focus is the health and safety of you and your families. We are fielding guidance from the CDC, the Administration, Alaska, state and local authorities in all our locations, and our customers across the country. I can’t promise you we will be perfect as there is no rule book for this – but we are doing everything we can to work in your best interest. Let’s make sure to communicate with each other so we can make the appropriate adjustments as we move towards getting through this.

Remember, under the heavens there is a time for everything and a season for every activity. Now is a time for hope and unity. I’m so thankful I get to be a part of your journey.

Josh Herren

President/CEO, Yulista

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